Monday, September 19, 2011

Week 10: Weekly Photo Challenge

I choose this picture for the fact that I was with my business partner, who is also my friend, and we were networking for our website In this photo it is me, my business partner and the hostess for our show. This was really great because we had made a lot of contacts that night and we still have those same contacts to this day. We have made a lot of contacts through networking at various night clubs, for this night, this picture was taken by, even though we don’t have our own photography from that night because we were networking and not shooting footage, we were able to go into that exact club we were networking and got to shoot footage. The club that we went to was the Ghostbar which is in the Palms hotel casino. Even though this picture does not have to do with a film festival, I feel that I should post it because it is a picture that represents a business that my friend and me are starting. I could not get a picture of me at a film festival simply for the fact that I could not get transportation to a film event. I have not had a vehicle for myself for almost a year now. It is definitely hard for me to go anywhere now, with that said, I am at the mercy of relying on other people for transportation and most of the time they do not give me a ride anywhere. Me and my business partner, however, have been driving all over Las Vegas to various nightclubs. At the rate we are going, we will have permission from various clubs to shoot and get footage for our website in very little time. Its kind of scary actually knowing the fact of how things are going smoothly.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Week 9: Weekly Photo Challenge

I choose this picture as my producer picture simply for the fact that as I was operating the camera I was also the producer as well, seeing as how we could not find a place to actually shoot this scene at a good location, my apartment (at the time) was the best option for the crew to shoot the scene. When it comes to video and film production, being a producer is not really my forte, because the basic job for a producer is all the paper work and in the video production I am not good at that at all. When it comes to video production my strong point is in the post production side of video production. My strong points are in editing and in motion graphics. Being an editor it gives me even better skills when I am actually shooting the scene with a camera, it helps me decide on what kind of shots that I would need in order to have a good edit and make a good scene. This photo was taken a long time ago when the class I was in at the time were shooting the "Average Super Hero" short film. This picture does not really portray me being a producer, but it does show me working on the set and I was producing on the set at the same time.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Week 8 EOC: The producer's most important role

The producer’s most important role in a film is the paperwork. The producer has to make sure that everything is clear and everything is ok with contracts, release forms, and everything else paper wise. The film producer is the one who looks over everything and makes sure that everything is going up to scale and that everything is on the up and up, sort of like government “big brother is watching you”. The producer oversees the project, not from a creative perspective, but from a time/worker management point of view. A producer will have jobs like: setting up schedules, making sure everyone shows up on time, making sure the production runs smoothly and efficiently. Now a film producer’s job can vary from production to production, because what a producer does on a low budget film may very well be different from what a producer does on a multi-million dollar feature film. A producer on a low budget may be the one doing everything from taking care of all the paper work and also delegating what people do on the set, basically telling everybody what to do. To where as what a producer on a multi-million dollar feature film will handle JUST the paper work and may not even set foot a set. So it basically all depends on what type of movie set that the producer is working on. But the sole purpose of the movie producer is to overlook everything on a movie set and make sure that everyone is doing their job and the paper work is just another part of it.

Week 7 Weekly Photo Challenge

I choose this script because it is one of the scripts that I have worked on and plan to make into a short film, maybe even a feature film, but I know that if I go for the feature film route then the story would get changed around a lot and I wouldnt want any major changes done to my script because I think that my script is fine the way that it is, but in all honesty, the directors changes to my script might turn better than the script that is already written. I have other scripts that I have written in the past, but I choose this one for the simple fact because I think that it would be the easiest one to make into a short film or maybe even a feature film. This is a horror film about a serial killer and an innocent man is having visions of his killings and he cant figure out why. I am not very good at writing stories, let alone scripts, but when I have an idea in my head and want to make that into a film, I try my very best to tell it in a way that anybody and everybody would understand, but telling a story, or writing it for that matter, is a difficult task. When writing a script, the most important parts are to have a beginning, a middle and an end, but the hook on this script of Darkness Awaits is that the plot starts a little before the middle and after the beginning, so this story builds up the suspense in the beginning, then as the story evolves it hits the audience with a twist and that is what I think that is going to keep the audience intrigued.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Week 7 EOC Keeping It Real

When using this building we would be conducting business for our up and coming films. Making a room for a studio for our actors, writers and various other positions for video production. In this building we would have an area for a receptionist, this is where people would come in and set appointments and come in for appointments, the receptionist area would basically be the front of our business. Another area of this building would be part of the actual studio where there would be lighting, a three point lighting system or possibly more, and half of the room would be painted green for a green screen area. This studio would have to be big enough for audition purposes so that way when we find specific actors, we can see exactly how our actors would be for the part of the film that we are producing. Another area of this building would be a meeting room. This room would be specifically designed for our corperate heads to hold meetings with our investors and/or actors to discuss business on wages and various other business aspects. Basically this building would be set for a front of Hello Productions, so that Hello Productions could conduct business in a nice clean and comfortable enviorment, because Hello Productions is not able to conduct business on the field on the actual set of a film.

Week 7 Weekly Photo Challenge

I choose this image simply for the fact that I have never made a website before and seeing as how I had used three separate programs to make this website, which consisted of Adobe Dreamweaver, Adobe Photoshop and Adobe After Effects. I basically took a Jpeg image from my After Effects animation that I made, brought it into Photoshop, fixed it up a little bit and then brought it into Dreamweaver. It is something that I am proud of that I made because I have never made a website before and this is great for me to network myself. Now this website of mine is only a template, but it can and will be fixed up as soon as I get my real demo reel together (which I am in the process of getting together) and it will be put up on my website. For this website what I did was that I took the After Effects file that I made into a Jpeg and brought it into Photoshop. In Photoshop I did a little bit of color correction and tweaked and peaked the image a little bit, after I got done with that I then brought the Photoshop image into Dreamweaver. In Dreamweaver I basically put text onto the image of the tabs that I wanted to be made. In those tabs I made videos, took photos and made a bio of myself. Now since this is only a template and made this website last year, I have a lot more stuff to put into it, so with that said I have a lot of updating to do to my website.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Week 6: How do I see my role starting in the industry?

I see my role starting in the industry with the website my partner and me are working on. Although it is website, but it is also a show about Electronic Dance Music. I see myself starting in the film industry here because my title for this website is “Director of Videography” which means that I am going to be the one in charge of all the video and the video editing. I feel that this is something that will get me noticed by other production companies. On this website we will be covering various clubs and underground events, meaning we will be getting video footage of the DJ, the crowd and everything else that goes on in a club. Not only are we going to be covering the event at the club, but we are also going to be doing interviews with the DJ’s, even the promoters and everyone else that is involved in the Electronic Dance Music community. So needlessly to say, this website will have a lot of video footage and like my title says, I am the Director of Videography so I will be in charge of all the video content.