Monday, August 15, 2011

Week 6: How do I see my role starting in the industry?

I see my role starting in the industry with the website my partner and me are working on. Although it is website, but it is also a show about Electronic Dance Music. I see myself starting in the film industry here because my title for this website is “Director of Videography” which means that I am going to be the one in charge of all the video and the video editing. I feel that this is something that will get me noticed by other production companies. On this website we will be covering various clubs and underground events, meaning we will be getting video footage of the DJ, the crowd and everything else that goes on in a club. Not only are we going to be covering the event at the club, but we are also going to be doing interviews with the DJ’s, even the promoters and everyone else that is involved in the Electronic Dance Music community. So needlessly to say, this website will have a lot of video footage and like my title says, I am the Director of Videography so I will be in charge of all the video content.

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