Monday, August 29, 2011

Week 7 Weekly Photo Challenge

I choose this script because it is one of the scripts that I have worked on and plan to make into a short film, maybe even a feature film, but I know that if I go for the feature film route then the story would get changed around a lot and I wouldnt want any major changes done to my script because I think that my script is fine the way that it is, but in all honesty, the directors changes to my script might turn better than the script that is already written. I have other scripts that I have written in the past, but I choose this one for the simple fact because I think that it would be the easiest one to make into a short film or maybe even a feature film. This is a horror film about a serial killer and an innocent man is having visions of his killings and he cant figure out why. I am not very good at writing stories, let alone scripts, but when I have an idea in my head and want to make that into a film, I try my very best to tell it in a way that anybody and everybody would understand, but telling a story, or writing it for that matter, is a difficult task. When writing a script, the most important parts are to have a beginning, a middle and an end, but the hook on this script of Darkness Awaits is that the plot starts a little before the middle and after the beginning, so this story builds up the suspense in the beginning, then as the story evolves it hits the audience with a twist and that is what I think that is going to keep the audience intrigued.

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